DEBTVISION at the 15th Structured Finance
Our booth at the 15th Structured Finance, 27.11.-28.11.19 in Stuttgart, was a great success! Many thanks to all visitors and the good conversations that we were allowed to have with you. We were very happy to get in contact with so many investors and borrowers. In exciting and intensive discussions, we have made many new contacts and have been able to take new impulses and ideas with us.
Our booth at the 15th Structured Finance Overview of the 15th Structured Finance
On the first day of the Structured Finance, we also held our practice session “Schuldschein goes digital”. Dieter Worf, Head of Treasury at Schott AG, Christoph Zender, Head of Corporate Finance Origination LBBW, and our Managing Director Christoph Steinbrich discussed the development and the possibilities of using platforms in the Schuldschein market with the numerous participants in the session. Dieter Worf was able to report on his experience from two Schuldschein transactions that SCHOTT AG issued in 2019 exclusively and without an arranging bank via DEBTVISION. The practice session was moderated by Markus Dentz – thank you very much! We’re looking forward to next time!
Session “Schuldschein goes digital” with SCHOTT AG and LBBW (1/2) Session “Schuldschein goes digital” with SCHOTT AG and LBBW (2/2)